
Sunday, June 24, 2012

MN Orchestra Hall - Crash The Ball 2012 Photo Booth

We were given the task of designing and shooting a photo booth for Crash The Ball 2012 at The Depot Minneapolis on Saturday June 16th. Crash The Ball is the after party to MN Orchestra Hall's Symphony Ball, a fundraiser held every year and with the theme of "Streets Of Paris" we set our sites on an epic photo booth!

The turbulent weather of early June made the design process a bit precarious: how do you build a set that will withstand wind, possible rain, and accomodate hundreds of elegantly dressed guests all while seeming effortless?  You put two creative minds, a blossoming relationship with the newly rebuilt Menards just off Hwy 394 and no less than 30 hours of prep/work time together to create one of the most elaborate photo booths we've ever done.

Thanks goes out to MN Orchestra Hall for this amazing opportunity!

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